0 Janyce Smithley

Janyce Smithley

Houghton admission counselor Janyce Smithley.

Janyce Smithley

Admission Counselor

About Janyce

Hometown: Shawville, Quebec, Canada.

Major and graduate Year: 1979, Physical Education, French and Psychology.

Favorite thing about Houghton: I have many favorite things about Houghton but one of them is the people and the friendships I’ve developed. It is a wonderful learning community to work in with loyal trusted fellow believers. As a student you will develop friendships that will last a lifetime! This community has truly been a blessing to me.

Why I work at Houghton: I work at Houghton because I deeply believe in Christian higher education and more specifically in the mission of the college which focuses on preparing students to serve God fully and faithfully and equipping them to lead and labor as scholars and servants in a changing world. I love how this purpose has steadfastly remained the same since 1883 when Willard J. Houghton first founded Houghton University.

Tips for Prospective Students and Parents

1. Visit our campus and talk to faculty and students. Being on campus will give you a better idea of what we are all about. Talking to potential faculty and potential fellow students as well as being a part of the atmosphere on campus will give you a feel for what it would be like to live, worship, and learn here for four years!

2. Parents- don’t be afraid to reach out and talk to me about the application process. It can be very daunting, especially if this is your first child to go to university. I love connecting/ chatting with parents as they go through this with their child.

3. Don’t feel like you have to figure this out on your own. Rely on your admission counselor. We care and are here to help you through the process, to remind you of deadlines and other important details.

Students & Families I Serve

  • Transfer Students
  • Canadian Students
  • International Students
  • Third Culture Kids
  • Missionary Kids
  • Spring Semester Start Students

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