Library Student Employment Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please enter a number from 1 to 20.
  • Employment History 1:

  • Employment History 2:

  • Employment History 3:

  • Work References

    (Include phone number &/or email address)

  • Character References

    (On campus if possible; include phone number &/or email address)

  • Evaluate Yourself

    (1=Excellent, 2=Good, 3=Fair, 4=Poor)

  • Student Jobs

    Please note that the vast majority of student positions are circulation in either the main or music library.

  • Public Services

    Main Library Circulation:  checking materials in and out, shelving and shelf-reading materials (keeping materials in order on the shelves), processing books, recycling books/periodicals, shifting books/periodicals, working with patrons. (Day, evening, and weekend hours; number of hours varies per person)

    Music library Circulation:  checking materials in and out, assisting patrons in finding materials, shelving music items, shelf-reading projects. Knowledge of music (even minimal) is important. (Day, evening, and weekend hours; number of hours varies per person)

    Please use numbers to indicate those jobs you prefer, based on the descriptions given below.
    Number 1 is most desirable; largest number least desirable.โ€‹

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.