Resources and Scholarship Information


U.S. Government Study Abroad Info

Passport Information

You may visit the Houghton US Post Office, the OCP Office or follow the links below for information and downloadable forms.ย  Passport Photos are available at the AV Center on the 1st floor of Chamberlain Center.

Health Information

The Center for Disease Control hosts the best information for concerns about health issues while traveling and immunization recommendations.

International Travel Insurance

Houghton University requires each student and faculty traveling abroad for academic credit or for a college sponsored trip to have international travel insurance.ย  This is available through the Off-Campus Studies office.ย  We are currently using iNext. For information on our current insurance coverage click on the following link: iNextย The basic supplemental is required, and upgrades are available.

Study Abroad Guides

Study Abroad can seem daunting.ย  If you would like some useful reading on the whole process the following links can be helpful.ย  These are not Houghton sites but are from recommended sites.