Gibbon swinging in tree in Cambodia during Houghton research trip.

Houghton Magazine—Summer 2023

From the President

Summer 2023

Over the last few months, I have reflected quite often and intensely on Genesis chapter 50 and Joseph’s relationship with his brothers. After the death of their father Jacob, Joseph’s brothers wondered whether he would hold a grudge against them for the incredible harm they had done to him; selling him into slavery out jealousy and starting an almost unbelievable chain of events in his life. With love and compassion, Joseph responded to them, letting them know that what they had intended for his harm, God had used for good.

There is no question that as Houghton continues to stand for and model both the compassion and truth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, there will continue to be those who seek to do harm to the university. We hold no ill will and desire only to love and honor God, and love our brothers and sisters. Further, I am convinced that as Houghton remains faithful, God will use even those things meant for our harm for His glory. We have already seen the evidence of it. God continues to bless Houghton in ways seen and unseen. Chief among those blessings are the students and families we are privileged to serve.


Wayne D. Lewis, Jr.

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Purple stage curtain.

From the Archives - Drama Through the Decades

Left to right, top to bottom: Article "War Council Plan Dramatic Program," 1943; article "English-Expression Club stage Kromer Production," 1968; article "English-Expression Club stage Kromer production," 1973; article "The Houghton College English Expression Club presents: The Fanstasticks," 1984; article "Amending Madrigals: final year for old tradition," 2002; article "Houghton's Lyric Theatre Prepares for Pirates of Penzance," 2022.

Congratulations, Class of 2023!

The very first graduates of Houghton University.

Student standing with Luckey the mascot during Houghton's homecoming.

Homecoming 2023

October 6-7, 2023

Alumni Reunions

for the Classes of '88, '93, '98, '03, '08, '13 and '18

Alumni, we love to know what is happening in your life and where God and your Houghton education are leading you.

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