Houghton University graduate music students participating in choir holding music and singing.

Graduate Music

Building on the foundation of a well-established undergraduate music program, the graduate program in music seeks to foster fine music-making combined with academic rigor, informed and deepened by Christian perspective.

Many graduate programs achieve musical excellence; many also combine that excellence with serious academic engagement. But Houghton’s intent is to establish a uniquely Christian synthesis of disciplined art with thoughtfully reasoned Christian perspective, deliberately connected to the wider world of learning.

At the Greatbatch School of Music you'll be encouraged to:

Develop as a musical artist and commit to a life of musical excellence both in your personal and professional life.

Pursue rewarding, fulfilling artistic endeavors.

Develop your creativity as part of your whole person.

Integrate faith and music in your life, serving as musical advocates in the Christian community and witnesses in the musical world.

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Discover how Houghton University's Graduate Music program can accelerate your God-given potential.

Contact 1.800.777.2556 or gradmusic@houghton.edu.