Tour group standing in front of the Greatbatch School of Musics.

Graduate Assistantships

Graduate assistantships are available each year to MA and MM students in the Greatbatch School of Music. Generally, these positions are awarded to students within their major field of study or for services in which they hold special expertise.

Qualifications & Details

  • Awarded to full time graduate music students
  • Assistantships span the entire academic year
  • Full and partial assistantships are available
  • Full time: 20 hours/week or .5 FTE academic duties (or combination); limited to course loads of eight to nine credit hours per semester
  • Partial: pro-rated accordingly; course load of no more than 12 credit hours per semester
  • Graduate assistants may be awarded a stipend in addition to any tuition offer or other combinations of awards

Areas of Assistantships

  • Choral Conducting
  • Composition/Theory
  • Collaborative Piano
  • Instrumental Conducting
  • String Quartet


Graduate assistants are given performance, professorial support, staff and (where appropriate) teaching duties that support and supplement the work of the faculty of the Greatbatch School of Music.

Renewing Assistantship

Graduate assistantships are renewable for a second year, contingent upon acceptable progress in graduate studies, satisfactory performance of assigned responsibilities, and availability of funding from endowment sources.

Financial Need

School of Music graduate awards are based on the recommendation of the faculty. Awards are not granted on financial need. Though not required, we encourage students seeking need-based financial aid to apply for federal financial aid through the FAFSA by March 1st. International students are not eligible to submit the FAFSA.

Requirements for Consideration

  • completed application to the Greatbatch School of Music and applicable application requirements.
  • completed Graduate Award Application. Access your application.
  • three letters of reference (may be same letters for admission or may be letters oriented towards work or internship experience useful in a graduate assistantship)
  • rรฉsumรฉ of education and all relevant experience
  • for accompanists: Repertoire list of vocal and instrumental pieces accompanied.ย  Indicate whether performed in concert or lessons/classes.

Please read What We Believeย and the Vision of Our Common Life before signing the graduate award application.