0 College Choir to Tour Four States

College Choir to Tour Four States

February 14, 2020

The Greatbatch School of Music at Houghton University is pleased to announce this yearโ€™s Spring 2020 College Choir Tour, That Empyreal Flame Whence All Loves Came. The premier mixed choral ensemble will perform in four states from February 28 to March 7, 2020. The tour program will feature repertoire from Bach to Debussy to Forrest and is based on C.S. Lewisโ€™s book The Four Loves with all pieces exploring one of the four types of love: familial (storge), friendship (philia), romantic (eros), and, finally, self-sacrificing love (agape) as exemplified in Jesus Christ. All concerts are free and open to the public.

โ€œFor years, I have thought that Lewisโ€™ idea would make for a great choral program,โ€ remarks Daniel David Black, director of choral activities at Houghton and conductor of the College Choir. โ€œI am grateful to have the privilege of sharing the music of these composers with audiences, and I hope they will find the music and Lewisโ€™s ideas behind it edifying and enriching.โ€

Concert Schedule:

Friday, Feb 28 @ 7:00PM: Perinton Community Church, Fairport, NY

Saturday, Feb 29 @ 7:00PM: Shenendehowa United Methodist Church, Clifton Park, NY

Sunday, Mar 1 @ 4:00PM:  Manchester Church of the Nazarene, Manchester, CT

Monday, March 2 @ 7:00PM: St. Paulโ€™s Anglican Church, Portland, ME

Tuesday, March 3 @ 7:00PM: Anglican Church of the Redeemer, Norwood, MA

Wednesday, March 4 @ 7:00PM: Evangelical Baptist Church, Newton, MA

Friday, March 6 @ 7:00PM: Bishop Seabury Anglican Church, Gales Ferry, CT

Saturday, March 7 @ 7:00PM:  Grace Community Church, Adams Center, NY


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