0 President Lewis on Houghton's campus wearing pinstripe suit and purple tie.

President Lewis Interviewed on Bob Lonsberry Show

June 1, 2023

Houghton University President, Dr. Wayne D. Lewis, Jr., was interviewed by Bob Lonsberry on WHAM 1180. In the interview, President Lewis identified the University as one that has combined an orthodox Christian worldview with academic excellence.

“We fully integrate an orthodox Christian worldview with what we do in English, in Biology, in Chemistry, and through our chapel and spiritual life programming… there’s no aspect of who we are as a Christian institution that’s not informed by or subject to correction by the Word of God. That’s who we’ve been since 1883, that’s who we continue to be and we continue to put out graduates who are exceptionally well prepared for work, for ministry, for the military, for graduate and for professional school.”