0 Sara Massey

Sara Massey

Sara Massey wearing a white button up shirt and patterned blazer standing in front for purple backdrop.

Sara Massey

Associate Professor of Music Education

Why I Teach at Houghton   

The shema calls me to love God with my intellectual, emotional, and physical capacities, so my teaching philosophy of Christian higher education is based in this Biblical principle. Infusing this holistic approach into high standards of expectation and achievement for faculty and students should reflect Christ’s high calling on every aspect of life for believers. Christian higher education should be distinctive from secular institutions where pursuits may lack a spiritual dimension. As believers, faculty and students in Christian higher education should emulate God’s love in all we do. God created us with the capacity to learn, love and serve Him, so the work ethic in a Christian institution should represent our very best, in response to God giving His very best for us.


  • B.S./Baylor University: Music; Education (1979)
  • M.Music/Choral: University of North Carolina at Greensboro (2010)
  • PhD. Music Education: University of North Carolina at Greensboro (2016)

Honors and Awards

  • National Board of Professional Teaching Standards (2012)
  • Joy Culbreth Morrison Graduate Fellowship in Music (2015)
  • Doris Huffhines Bernhardt Graduate Award in Music (2015)

Professional Associations/Certifications/Memberships

  • Certified Teacher: National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
  • Delta Kappa Gamma
  • Golden Key
  • National Educators Association

Courses & Ensembles Taught:

Music Education


Music psychology

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